Commissions of Enquiry

At the centre of the day, conference participants took part in Commissions of Enquiry which included:

Whose excellence is it anyway, and how do we get there?

Facilitated by Ben Sandbook, Director, World Pencil

Pipelines to employment in the Creative Industries (Presentation)

Facilitated by Carolyn Baguma and Kevin Grist, always possible

Creative Collaborators: how partnerships between teachers and practitioners can drive pupil progression

Facilitated by Catherine Sutton , Education and Learning through the Arts Senior Grant Manage, PHF and Greg Klerkx, co-founder of Nimble Fish arts company

First steps: Arts and cultural experiences of children and their families (Presentation)

Facilitated by Penny Hay, Director of Research. 5x5x5=Creativity

Using Drama Strategies to Stimulate and Improve ‘Thought and Talk’

Facilitated by Patrice Baldwin, Director of Patrice Baldwin Professional Development and School Improvement , author and international ‘Drama for Learning’ Consultant

Personal progression: Building children’s emotional wellbeing and resilience through dance (Presentation)

Facilitated by Jan Burkhadt, Health Improvement Specialist, and Claire Somerville, Head of Children & Young People's Dance at One Dance UK

Learning to See: Progress in the visual arts

Facilitated by Peter Gregory, Canterbury Christ Church University

An Ensemble Approach: Progression in music education for all children

Facilitated by Liam Ambrose, Music on Sea: Southend (Music Service and Music Education Hub) and Adam Morris, Percussionist and School Engagement Manager for Royal Opera House Bridge.

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